The source code is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
We use Launchpad as issue tracker. Bug reports are incredibly helpful. Please take the time to report bugs and request features in our ticket tracker. We're always grateful for patches.
This project's Bazaar repository can be checked out from using bzr with the following instruction set:
bzr init-repo ~/repo
bzr branch lp:zorba ~/repo/zorba
Browse the source code.
Find out how to start with Bazaar from the tutorial Bazaar in five minutes.
Technical discussions are happening on the zorba-dev googlegroup.
Continuous Zorba testing can be monitored on CDash.
W3C conformance tests are available here.
The best ways to contribute are by finding and reporting bugs, writing tests for bugs, and improving the documentation.
We have set up a mailing list in order for general discussions. The mailing list is zorba-users at googlegroups dot com. If you want to subscribe to the list, please visit!forum/zorba-users.