This file demonstrates how error management and handling is done in Zorba.
#include <iostream>
#include <zorba/zorba.h>
#include <zorba/diagnostic_handler.h>
#include <zorba/iterator.h>
#include <zorba/store_manager.h>
#include <zorba/zorba_exception.h>
#include <zorba/user_exception.h>
using namespace zorba;
error_example_1(Zorba* aZorba)
try {
XQuery_t lQuery = aZorba->compileQuery("1 div 0");
std::cout << lQuery << std::endl;
} catch ( ZorbaException& e) {
std::cout << e << std::endl;
return true;
return false;
error_example_2(Zorba* aZorba)
try {
XQuery_t lQuery = aZorba->compileQuery("1 div");
} catch ( ZorbaException const& e ) {
std::cout << e << std::endl;
if ( e.diagnostic().kind() == diagnostic::XQUERY_STATIC )
return true;
return false;
class MyDiagnosticHandler : public DiagnosticHandler
void error( ZorbaException const &ze )
if ( ze.diagnostic().kind() == diagnostic::XQUERY_STATIC )
std::cerr << ze << std::endl;
void warning( XQueryWarning const &xw )
std::cerr << xw << std::endl;
error_example_3(Zorba* aZorba)
MyDiagnosticHandler lHandler;
XQuery_t lQuery = aZorba->compileQuery("for $i in", &lHandler);
return true;
error_example_4(Zorba* aZorba)
MyDiagnosticHandler lHandler;
try {
XQuery_t lQuery = aZorba->compileQuery("1 div 0");
std::cout << lQuery << std::endl;
} catch (ZorbaException const& e) {
std::cerr << e << std::endl;
if ( e.diagnostic().kind() == diagnostic::XQUERY_DYNAMIC )
return true;
return false;
error_example_5(Zorba* aZorba)
try {
XQuery_t lQuery = aZorba->compileQuery("fn:error(fn:QName('', 'err:FOER0000'), 'a user error', 1 to 10)");
std::cout << lQuery << std::endl;
} catch (UserException const& e) {
UserException::error_object_type const &error = e.error_object();
UserException::error_object_type::const_iterator it;
for ( it = error.begin(); it != error.end(); ++it ) {
std::cout << it->getStringValue() << std::endl;
return true;
} catch (ZorbaException const& ze) {
std::cerr << ze << std::endl;
return false;
return false;
error_example_6(Zorba* aZorba)
try {
Item lQName = aZorba->getItemFactory()->createQName(
"", "", "error");
StaticContext_t lCtx = aZorba->createStaticContext();
lCtx->declareOption(lQName, "ZWST0003");
std::ostringstream s;
s << "declare namespace z = '';" << std::endl
<< "declare %z:sequential function local:foo() { 1 };" << std::endl
<< "local:foo()" << std::endl;
XQuery_t lQuery = aZorba->compileQuery(s.str(), lCtx);
std::cout << lQuery << std::endl;
} catch (XQueryException const& e) {
return true;
} catch (ZorbaException const& ze) {
std::cerr << ze << std::endl;
return false;
return false;
error_example_7(Zorba* aZorba)
try {
std::ostringstream s;
s << "declare function local:test() { fn:error() };" << std::endl
<< "local:test()" << std::endl;
XQuery_t lQuery = aZorba->compileQuery(s.str());
std::cout << lQuery << std::endl;
} catch (ZorbaException const& ze) {
std::cerr << "=== Error XML + Stacktrace ===" << std::endl;
std::cerr << XQueryException::trace
<< ZorbaException::format_xml
<< ze
<< std::endl;
std::cerr << "=== Error Text + Stacktrace ===" << std::endl;
std::cerr << XQueryException::trace
<< ZorbaException::format_text
<< ze
<< std::endl;
return true;
return false;
errors(int argc, char* argv[])
void* lStore = zorba::StoreManager::getStore();
Zorba* lZorba = Zorba::getInstance(lStore);
bool res = false;
std::cout << "executing example 1" << std::endl;
res = error_example_1(lZorba);
if (!res) return 1;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "executing example 2" << std::endl;
res = error_example_2(lZorba);
if (!res) return 1;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "executing example 3" << std::endl;
res = error_example_3(lZorba);
if (!res) return 1;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "executing example 4" << std::endl;
res = error_example_4(lZorba);
if (!res) return 1;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "executing example 5" << std::endl;
res = error_example_5(lZorba);
if (!res) return 1;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "executing example 6" << std::endl;
res = error_example_6(lZorba);
if (!res) return 1;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "executing example 7" << std::endl;
res = error_example_7(lZorba);
if (!res) return 1;
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;