Content of html module

xquery version "3.0";

 : Copyright 2006-2009 The FLWOR Foundation.
 : Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 : you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 : You may obtain a copy of the License at
 : Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 : distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 : See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 : limitations under the License.

 : <p>
 : This module provides functions to <a href="" target="_blank">tidy</a> a HTML document. <br /> 
 : The functions in this module take an HTML document (a string) as parameter, 
 : tidy it in order to result in valid XHTML, and return this XHTML document as a document-node.
 : </p>
 : @author Sorin Nasoi
 : @library <a href="">Tidy C++ Library</a>
 : @project Zorba/Data Converters/HTML
module namespace html = "";

 : Import module for checking if html options element is validated.
import module namespace schema = "";

import schema namespace html-options = "";

declare namespace err = "";

declare namespace ver = "";
declare option ver:module-version "1.0";

 : <p>This function tidies the given HTML string and returns
 : a valid XHTML document node.</p>
 : <p>This functions automatically sets the following tidying parameters:
 :   <ul>
 :    <li>output-xml=yes</li>
 :    <li>doctype=omit</li>
 :    <li>quote-nbsp=no</li>
 :    <li>char-encoding=utf8</li>
 :    <li>newline=LF</li>
 :    <li>tidy-mark=no</li>
 :   </ul>
 : </p>
 : @param $html the HTML string to tidy
 : @return the tidied XML document
 : @error html:InternalError if an internal error occurred while tidying
 :  the string.
 : @example test/Queries/tidy_2.xq
declare function html:parse (
  $html as xs:string
) as document-node()
  let $validated-options := 
    validate {
          <options xmlns="" >
              <tidyParam name="output-xml" value="yes" />
              <tidyParam name="doctype" value="omit" />
              <tidyParam name="quote-nbsp" value="no" />
              <tidyParam name="char-encoding" value="utf8" />
              <tidyParam name="newline" value="LF" />
              <tidyParam name="tidy-mark" value="no" />
    html:parse-internal($html, $validated-options)

 : <p>This function tidies the given HTML string and returns
 : a valid XHTML document node.</p>
 : <p>The second parameter allows to specify options that
 : configure the tidy process. This parameter is a sequence
 : of name=value pairs. Allowed parameter names and values
 : are documented at <a href="">
 : @param $html the HTML string to tidy
 : @param $options a set of name and value pairs that provide options
 :        to configure the tidy process that have to be validated against the 
 :        "" schema.
 : @return the tidied XHTML document node
 : @error err:XQDY0027 if $options can not be validated against the
 :  html-options schema
 : @error html:TidyOption if there was an error with one of the options
 :  in the $options parameter that couldn't have been caught by validating
 :  against the schema
 : @error html:InternalError if an internal error occurred while tidying
 :  the string.
 : @example test/Queries/tidy_1.xq
declare function html:parse (
  $html as xs:string,
  $options as element(html-options:options)
) as document-node()
  let $validated-options := if(schema:is-validated($options)) then
                              validate { $options } 
    html:parse-internal($html, $validated-options)

declare %private function html:parse-internal(
  $html as xs:string,
  $options as element(html-options:options)
) as document-node() external;