Building and Installing Zorba
Building Zorba
Once you have successfully configured your Zorba build (as described in
Configuring a Zorba Build Using CMake), you should now be able to build the project.
- For Makefile-based builds, just type make (or
make j2
to do a parallel build on a multi-core machine) from inside the {ZORBABUILD} directory.
- For IDE-based builds, open the project created in the previous step and build the ALL target.
The build will take some time. If it finishes successfully, you're ready to install and run Zorba.
Installing Zorba
- For Makefile-based builds, just type
make install
. There is also a make uninstall
- For IDE-based builds, invoke the INSTALL project.
In either case, Zorba will be installed into the location specified by the CMake configuration parameter
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, as described in
Configuration Parameters (the -D arguments).
Setting the PATH
In order for users on your system to use Zorba, the bin/ subdirectory of your installation directory must be on their path.
Testing your Zorba Installation
Once Zorba is installed and on your path, try it out! Type:
zorba -q "1+1"
You should get the following output:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
If so - congratulations! You're done and ready to use Zorba.