W3C XQuery and XPath Full Text 1.0 Conformance.

In generating the report we used Zorba version 2.5 that can be downloaded from https://launchpad.net/zorba/trunk/2.5 and XQFTTS version 'current' (XQFTTS taken from W3C CVS as of 2012-01-12).Zorba achieves 89.51% on minimal conformance (and 84.8% on Optional Features) for the W3C XPath Full Text 1.0 Test Suite.Please see the table below for more details.
W3C XQuery and XPath Full Text 1.0 features XQuery XQueryX
Minimal Conformance
    Section 2.2.2 4/4 4/4
    Section 2.3 0/5 0/5
    Section 2.3.1 0/1 0/1
    Section 3.2 4/5 4/5
    Section 3.3 2/2 2/2
    Section 3.4 2/2 2/2
    Section 3.4.1 1/1 1/1
    Section 3.4.2 4/4 4/4
    Section 3.4.3 3/3 0/3
    Section 3.4.4 2/2 2/2
    Section 3.4.5 2/2 2/2
    Section 3.4.6 2/2 2/2
    Section 3.4.7 5/5 5/5
    Section 3.4.8 2/2 2/2
    Section 3.5.1 1/1 1/1
    Section 3.5.2 2/2 2/2
    Section 3.5.3 1/1 1/1
    Section 3.5.4 3/3 3/3
    Section 3.6.1 2/2 2/2
    Section 3.6.2 5/6 5/6
    Section 3.6.3 5/5 5/5
    Section 3.6.4 6/6 6/6
    Section 3.6.5 4/4 4/4
    Section 3.7 1/1 1/1
    Tests of For-Let-Where-OrderBy-Return Expressions
      FOR Clause with Score variable 0/11 0/11
      Let Clause with Score variable 1/4 1/4
      Comparison Operators
        Full-Text Contains Expressions
          Full-Text Selections
            Full-Text Tokens and Phrases 66/68 68/68
            Full-Text Cardinality Selection 20/20 20/20
            Full-Text Operators
              Full-Text ftor Operator 15/15 15/15
              Full-Text ftand Operator 11/11 11/11
              Full-Text ftnot Operator 7/7 7/7
              Full-Text not in Operator 11/11 11/11
              Full-text Match Options 6/6 4/6
              Full-Text Language Match Option 4/4 4/4
              Full-Text Wildcard Match Option 21/21 21/21
              Full-Text Thesaurus Match Option 9/10 7/10
              Full-Text Stemming Match Option 5/5 5/5
              Full-Text Case Match Option 6/6 6/6
              Full-Text Diacritics Match Option 4/4 4/4
              Full-Text Stop Word Match Option. 10/10 5/10
              Full-Text Extension Option 3/3 3/3
            Full-Text Positional Filters
              Ordered Selection 6/6 6/6
              Window Selection 21/21 21/21
              Distance Selection 33/33 33/33
              Scope Selection 10/19 10/19
              Anchoring Selection 10/10 10/10
            Full-Text FTSelection weight 3/14 3/14
          Full-Text Ignore 5/5 5/5
          Full-Text Extension Selections 6/6 6/6
Optional Features
  Full-Text not in Operator 9/9 9/9
  Unconstrained Full-Text ftnot Operator 5/5 5/5
  Unconstrained FTUnit/FTBigUnit 18/18 18/18
  Unconstrained Order Selection 5/5 5/5
  Scope Selection 10/10 10/10
  Unconstrained Window Selection 4/5 4/5
  Unconstrained Distance Selection 5/5 5/5
  Full-Text Cardinality Selection 20/20 20/20
  Anchoring Selection 5/5 5/5
  Unconstrained Full-Text Case Option 4/4 4/4
  Unconstrained Full-Text Stop Word Option 14/14 5/14
  Unconstrained Full-Text Language Option 2/2 2/2
  Unconstrained Ignore Option 5/5 5/5
  Unconstrained Scoring 0/12 0/12
  Unconstrained Weight Range 0/5 0/5
  Use Case "ACROSS"; optional aspects 0/1 0/1
Use Cases
  Use Case "ELEMENT" 11/11 11/11
  Use Case "ACROSS" 9/10 9/10
  Use Case "OTHER" 3/3 3/3
  Use Case "WILDCARD" 10/10 10/10
  Use Case "STEMMING" 4/4 4/4
  Use Case "THESAURUS" 12/12 0/12
  Use Case "STOP-WORD" 6/6 2/6
  Use Case "CHARACTER" 8/8 8/8
  Use Case "LOGICAL" 14/14 14/14
  Use Case "CARDINALITY" 8/8 8/8
  Use Case "PROXIMITY" 10/10 10/10
  Use Case "AXES" 7/7 7/7
  Use Case "IGNORE" 5/8 5/8
  Use Case "SCORE" 0/7 0/7
Consistency in XQFTTS Catalog 3/3 3/3