
#include <zorba/document_manager.h>

An instance of DocumentManager provides methods for adding, removing, or accessing XML documents in the Zorba store. There is a single instance of DocumentManager per XmlDataManger; this single instance is accessible via the XmlDataManger::getDocumentManager() method.

Public Functions


availableDocuments() const =0

Returns an iterator over the root nodes of all the available documents (i.e., all the documents that have been added to the store via the DocumentManager::put() method).


document(const String &aURI) const =0

Return a reference to the root node of the document with the given URI.


isAvailableDocument(const String &aURI) const =0

Check if a document with a given URI is among the available documents (i.e., the documents that have been added to the store via the DocumentManager::put() method).


put(const String &aURI, const Item &aDoc)=0

Add a document to the store, associating it with the given URI.


remove(const String &aURI)=0

Remove the document with the given URI from the store.


Public Functions


ItemSequence_t availableDocuments() const =0

Returns an iterator over the root nodes of all the available documents (i.e., all the documents that have been added to the store via the DocumentManager::put() method).


Item document(const String &aURI) const =0

Return a reference to the root node of the document with the given URI.


bool isAvailableDocument(const String &aURI) const =0

Check if a document with a given URI is among the available documents (i.e., the documents that have been added to the store via the DocumentManager::put() method).


void put(const String &aURI, const Item &aDoc)=0

Add a document to the store, associating it with the given URI.

This method adds the document to the "available documents" component of the dynamic context. This means that the document will remain in the store and be accessible to queries via the associated URI (e.g., by using the fn:doc() function) until it is explicitly removed via the DocumentManager::remove() method.


void remove(const String &aURI)=0

Remove the document with the given URI from the store.

This method removes the document from the "available documents" component of the dynamic context. This means that the document will no longer be accessible to queries via the associated URI. However, the document is not necessarily destroyed by this method. It will be destroyed if/when no more references to it exist.

