zorba::Thesaurus#include <zorba/thesaurus.h> A Thesaurus provides a way to look up related phrases for a given phrase.Public Types
Public Functions
Protected FunctionsPublic Typesrange_typeunsigned range_type The integral type for "at least" and "at most" values.
Public Functionsdestroyvoid destroy() const =0 Destroys this Thesaurus. This function is called by Zorba when the Thesaurus is no longer needed.If your implementation dynamically allocates Thesaurus objects, then your implementation can simply be (and usually is) delete this.If your implementation returns a pointer to a static Thesaurus object, then your implementation should do nothing. lookupiterator::ptr lookup(String const &phrase, String const &relationship, range_type at_least, range_type at_most) const =0 Looks-up the given phrase.
ReturnsReturns a pointer to an iterator for the results or NULL if the phrase was not found.Protected Functions~Thesaurus ~Thesaurus()