io::zorba::api::xqj::ZorbaXQMetaDataZorbaXQMetaData class provides information about the data source, in various aspects, such as the product name and version identification, supported features, specific behaviors, user information, product limits and so forth. An object from this class is obtained from the connection object by calling the getMetaData() method, for example:{.java} ZorbaXQMetaData metaData = connection.getMetaData(); String productVersion = metaData.getProductVersion(); ...Since the metadata object depends on the connection, all its methods would raise an exception if the connection it is created from is no longer valid. Private Attributes
Public Functions
Private Functions
Private AttributesconnectionXQConnection connection
zorbaZorba zorba
Public FunctionsgetMaxExpressionLengthint getMaxExpressionLength() Gets the maximum number of characters allowed in an expression in this data source.
Returnsthe maximum length of expression as an integer. A zero value means that there is no limit or the limit is unknown.Parameters
getMaxUserNameLengthint getMaxUserNameLength() Gets the maximum number of characters allowed in a user name.
Returnsthe maximum length of user name as an integer. A zero value means that there is no limit or the limit is unknown.Parameters
getProductMajorVersionint getProductMajorVersion() Gets the major version of this product.
Returnsa integer indicating the major version of this productParameters
getProductMinorVersionint getProductMinorVersion() Gets the minor version of this product.
Returnsa integer indicating the minor version of this productParameters
getProductNameString getProductName() Gets the name of this product.
Returnsa string indicating the product nameParameters
getProductVersionString getProductVersion() Gets the full version of this product.
Returnsa string indicating the product versionParameters
getSupportedXQueryEncodingsSet getSupportedXQueryEncodings() Returns a set of java.lang.String, each of which specifies a character encoding method the XQJ implmentation supports to parse the XQuery query text. For an example, for an XQJ impmentation which is able to parse the XQuery encoded in "UTF-8" or "UTF-16", it returns a java.util.Set of "UTF-8" and "UTF-16". If the implemetation is not able to generate a list of encodings supported, an empty set is returned. If a non-empty set is returned, the encodings returned in this set are guaranteed to be supported. Note that encodings not in the returned set might also be supported. For example, if the set has two encoding methods: 'UTF-8' and 'UTF-16', they are supported by the implementation. However, this does not mean 'Shift-Js' is not supported. It might be supported. Returnsa java.util.Set of java.lang.String, each of which is an XQuery query text encoding methodParameters
getUserNameString getUserName() Gets the user name associated with this connection.
Returnsthe user's nameParameters
getXQJMajorVersionint getXQJMajorVersion() Gets the major version number of XQJ specification supported by this implementation.
Returnsan integer indicating the XQJ major versionParameters
getXQJMinorVersionint getXQJMinorVersion() Gets the minor version number of XQJ specification supported by this implementation.
Returnsan integer indicating the XQJ minor versionParameters
getXQJVersionString getXQJVersion() Gets the full version of XQJ specification supported by this implementation.
Returnsa string indicating the version of XQJ specificationParameters
isFullAxisFeatureSupportedboolean isFullAxisFeatureSupported() Query if XQuery full axis feature is supported in this connection.
Returnstrue if so; otherwise falseParameters
isModuleFeatureSupportedboolean isModuleFeatureSupported() Query if XQuery module feature is supported in this connection.
Returnstrue if so; otherwise falseParameters
isReadOnlyboolean isReadOnly() Query if the associated conection is restricted for read only use.
Returnstrue if the associated connection is for read-only; false otherwiseParameters
isSchemaImportFeatureSupportedboolean isSchemaImportFeatureSupported() Query if XQuery schema import feature is supported in this connection.
Returnstrue if so; otherwise falseParameters
isSchemaValidationFeatureSupportedboolean isSchemaValidationFeatureSupported() Query if XQuery schema validation feature is supported in this connection.
Returnstrue if so; otherwise falseParameters
isSerializationFeatureSupportedboolean isSerializationFeatureSupported() Query if XQuery serialization feature is supported in this connection.
Returnstrue if so; otherwise falseParameters
isStaticTypingExtensionsSupportedboolean isStaticTypingExtensionsSupported() Query if XQuery static typing extensions are supported in this connection.
Returnstrue if so; otherwise falseParameters
isStaticTypingFeatureSupportedboolean isStaticTypingFeatureSupported() Query if XQuery static typing feature is supported in this data source.
Returnstrue if so; otherwise falseParameters
isTransactionSupportedboolean isTransactionSupported() Query if transaction is supported in this data source.
Returnstrue if so; otherwise falseParameters
isUserDefinedXMLSchemaTypeSupportedboolean isUserDefinedXMLSchemaTypeSupported() Check if the user defined XML schema type is supported in this connection. If this method returns true, then XQItemAccessor.instanceOf(XQItemType) must be able to determine if the type of an XQItemAccessor is an instance of the XQItemType even if either of them is a user defined XML schema type which is defined by the non-predefined XML schema. The pre-defined XML Schema refers to the XML schema whose schema URL is "" Returnstrue if the user defined XML schema type is supported in this connection, false otherwise.Parameters
isXQueryEncodingDeclSupportedboolean isXQueryEncodingDeclSupported() Query if the XQuery encoding declaration is supported by the XQJ implementation.
Returnstrue if the XQuery encoding declaration is supported; false otherwiseParameters
isXQueryEncodingSupportedboolean isXQueryEncodingSupported(String string) Query if a character encoding method of the XQuery query text is supported by the XQJ implmentation.
Returnstrue if an XQuery query character encoding method is supported, false otherwiseParameters
isXQueryXSupportedboolean isXQueryXSupported() Query if XQueryX format is supported in this data source.
Returnstrue if so; otherwise falseParameters
wasCreatedFromJDBCConnectionboolean wasCreatedFromJDBCConnection() Query if this connection was created from a JDBC connection.
Returnstrue, if this connection was created from a JDBC connection, false otherwise.Parameters
ZorbaXQMetaData ZorbaXQMetaData(XQConnection conn)
Private FunctionsisClosedXQExceptionvoid isClosedXQException()
isNullXQExceptionvoid isNullXQException(Object value)